Protection of the environment

Protecting the environment is one of the main priorities for our management. We are committed to reducing atmospheric emissions and effluent discharges to water bodies as well as reducing amount of waste and ensuring its safe storage.

Our environmental protection and environmental safety monitoring activities are fully compliant with applicable regulations, and we are constantly improving our environmental protection system.

We designed, and our Board of Directors approved (Protocol No. 98 of January 22, 2008) the following:

Environmental Policy of OGK-1 (PDF | 294 Kb)
OGK-1 Environmental Policy Implementation Program for 2008–2010 (PDF | 876 Kb)
Key Directions of Environmental Policy for 2008–2015 (PDF | 3.26 Mb)

These documents establish the following fundamental principles of OGK-1 environmental policy:

  • respect for constitutional right of man to live in beneficial environment;
  • consideration for priority of environmental security as a component of national security;
  • energy-saving and rational use of natural and energy resources during generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity and heat;
  • prioritization of deployment of best available technologies over effort to minimize environmental damage from existing equipment (according to results of feasibility study);
  • reduction of waste production and environmentally sensitive waste management;
  • preventive elimination of negative impact on environment;
  • international cooperation for use of environmentally safe and energy-efficient technologies as well as support for research of power facility impact on environment and climate change;
  • transparency and availability of environmental data and immediate reporting of all accidents, their environmental impact and cleanup activities to all stakeholders;
  • transparency and availability of environmental monitoring data for all OGK-1 enterprises, cooperation with all stakeholders on research of impact of our facilities on the environment.
OGK-1 demonstrates strong and higher than industry-average environmental performance. These achievements are fueled by favorable structure of our fuel portfolio and our use of modern high-efficiency and low-emission 800 MW power generating units. Though two of OGK-1 TPS use coal, our overall primary fuel is natural gas representing as much as 92.2% of our fuel portfolio in 2011. Shares of environmentally harmful fuel in our portfolio in 2011 were as follows—7.5% coal and 0.3% fuel oil.


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